1. Definition
Bullying can take many forms and is usually behaviour which is repeated over a period of time. The three main types of bullying are:
All will include deliberate hostility or aggression towards a victim who is weaker or less powerful than the bully or bullies, and an outcome which is painful or distressing for the victim.
Bullying behaviour can include violence, threats, taunting, insults, persistent teasing, spreading rumours, humiliation, graffiti, gestures or isolation of the victim from activities.
This list is not and cannot be exhaustive. What is important is the effect of the behaviour on the victim. What may seem like fun to one person can be distressing to another.
2. Key principles
The key principles underpinning this Policy are that:
Everyone involved with the club in any capacity must clearly understand that bullying will not be tolerated under any circumstances.
The ethos of the club is that all participants should be able to take part in an enjoyable and safe environment regardless of their age, gender, disability, culture, language, racial origin, religious beliefs or sexual orientation.
3. Actions
3.1 - If bullying is alleged or apparent (it is relevant that often the victim is reluctant to complain) the trainer should:
Seek to reassure the victim
Take the problem seriously
Investigate the incident(s)
Talk separately to the victim and the bully or bullies
Decide on appropriate action.
3.2 Appropriate action may include:
Obtaining an apology from the bully to the victim
Informing the parent or guardian of the victim and bully
Insisting on the return of any items taken or recompense if no longer available
Encouraging and supporting the bully to change their behaviour
Keeping a written record of the incident(s) and action taken
Informing the Club
3.3 Actions by the Club Committee may include:
Providing support for the trainer
In persistent cases, considering sanctions against the bully such as suspension or exclusion from the club
Writing to the parents or guardians of the bully and/or victim regarding subsequent progress.
Updated January 2024