Welwyn Pegasus Football Club is run on an entirely voluntary basis, with the primary objective of allowing local children to develop their football skills, learn to be good team members and, wherever possible, to play in competitive games.
To ensure that the Club is run in an appropriate manner there is a clear Constitution and a set of Rules. The Club also has codes of conduct applicable to all involved (coaches, officials, players, parents etc.). With these arrangements in place it is to be hoped that all will run smoothly but with a large number of players and volunteers it is possible that there will be occasions when this is not the case.
If you have a complaint the Club will would like to address this as quickly as possible and as close to the source of the problem as possible.
It the first instance you should make an informal approach to the team manager, who will try to resolve the matter locally. If the team manager is the cause of the complaint then you should approach the Secretary of the Club
If it proves to be impossible to solve the problem locally then an approach can be made to the Secretary of the Club. If the Secretary is the cause of the complaint then an approach can be made to the other Chairman/Vice Chairman.
If the Secretary is unable to resolve the matter then a written complaint can be made to the Vice Chairman. If the Vice Chairman is the cause of the complaint then the written submission should be to the Chairman. The Vice Chairman (Chairman) will investigate the complaint and seek a conclusion.
If the complainant is still dissatisfied then the complaint can be raised with the League.
In all cases the following general rules will apply:
1. Whilst the Club will not introduce unreasonable delays, it does not put time scales on complaint resolution. Each case is different and will be dealt with thoroughly, however long that takes.
2. The Club will only consider a complaint at a senior level if the complainant has first exhausted all of the lower levels.
3. The Club will not respond to complaints from the League unless the complainant has first exhausted all internal procedures.
4. It is the responsibility of the complainant to provide evidence/witness statements in support of complaints. It is not the responsibility of the Club to seek such information and the Club will not normally consider unsupported complaints.