Photography Guidelines
There has been much talk about who is allowed to take pictures of children (under 18s) playing sport and in particular what parents/carers are permitted to do.
Welwyn Pegasus FC would like to assure parents, carers, coaches, spectators, players and local media that we encourage the taking of appropriate images of children in football.
Welwyn Pegasus FC has adopted the FA guidance on photography to help avoid the following:
• The inappropriate use, adaptation or copying of images for use on child abuse websites on the internet (often incorrectly referred to as pornography sites)
• The identification of children when a photograph is accompanied by significant personal information that will assist a third party in identifying the child. This can lead, and has led, to children being ‘groomed’
ï‚· The identification and locating of children in inappropriate circumstances which include:
o where a child has been removed from his/her family for their own safety;
o where restrictions on contact with one parent following a parental separation exist e.g. in domestic violence cases;
o in situations where a child may be a witness in criminal proceedings;
o other safeguarding children concerns.
It’s important to remember the majority of images taken are appropriate and taken in good faith. If we take the following simple measures we can help to ensure the safety of children in football.
Common sense considerations to ensure everyone’s safety
1. Guidance on taking images will be shared with all parents, carers and members when they join the club.
2. The club will obtain parental consent to use a player’s image if it is to be used in the public domain e.g. club website or newspaper article
3. The club will ensure that any child in the club who is under care proceedings, is protected by ensuring that their image is not placed in the public domain. This will be done by using a Consent Form, so that parents/carers can identify whether this applies to children in their care.
4. Photography will focus on the activity rather than the individual.
5. The club will ensure all those featured are appropriately dressed (a minimum of vest or shirt and shorts).
6. The club will ensure that pictures which represent the broad range of youngsters participating safely in football. e.g. boys and girls, disabled people, ethnic minority communities.
The Club will not:
1. Publish photographs with the full name(s) of the individual(s) featured unless we have written consent to do so and we have informed the parents as to how the image will be used.
2. Use player profiles with pictures and detailed personal information on websites.
3. Use an image for something other than that which it was initially agreed, e.g. published in local press when initially produced for a clubhouse commemorative picture.
4. Allow images to be recorded in changing rooms, showers or toilets – this includes the use of mobile phones that record images.
Filming as a coaching aid
Coaches using videoing as a legitimate coaching aid should make parents/carers and players aware that this will be part of the coaching programme. Care will be taken when storing the videos.
Reporting of inappropriate photography
If you are concerned about the inappropriate use of images please report this to the Club Committee.
It’s not an offence to take appropriate photographs in a public place even if asked not to do so:
• No one has the right to decide who can and cannot take images on public land.
• If you have serious concerns about a possible child protection issue relating to the recording of images then call the Police. This action should only be taken where you believe that someone may be acting unlawfully or putting a child at risk.
• The land or facility owner can decide whether or not photography and or videoing at football activities will be permitted when carried out on private land. However this must be made known before allowing individuals access to the private property. If they do not comply then they may be requested to leave
• Try not to use images that include individuals wearing jewellery (as wearing jewellery whilst playing is contrary to the Laws of the Game as well as being a health and safety issue).