Players are the most important people in the sport. Playing for the team and for the team to win, is the most fundamental part of the game. However, we want our players to disassociate themselves from a “win at all costs” attitude. Fair play and respect for all others in the game is fundamentally important.
Players will have a good attitude at training and matches;
Players will arrive at training and matches on time;
Players will show good sportsmanship and respect at all times;
The team captain will shake hands with the referee and the opposition captain before the game;
All players will shake hands with opponents after the game;
No jewellery, including watches, smart watches and fit bits, are to be worn by players during training or matches;
Players must always wear the correct footwear and kits for training and matches;
Club kit must only be worn for matches and they should be in a good and clean condition;
Football boots must be in a clean and good condition;
No chewing gum should be used during training or matches;
No headphones, air pods or smart phone adaptations should be worn during training or matches, the only exception is hearing aids;
No swearing, bad language, offensive or racial remarks should be made towards any player, coach, official or spectator, on or off the field;
No verbal or physical abuse shall be made towards any other player, coach, official or spectator;
Players are not to make any negative or unkind comments towards other players, teams, clubs, coaches, managers, parents or any match officials on any social media platform. Any incidents of this that are reported to the club will be investigated and dealt with accordingly;
Players must not bully any person, in accordance with the club’s anti bullying policy, in any whats app or other groups created. Any incidents of this that are reported to the club will be investigated and dealt with accordingly;
Respect your coach/manager and the decision he or she may make;
Inform your coach/manager if you are injured;
Accept the decision of the match official without protest;
Avoid using words or actions which may mislead match officials;
Show support for other team members;
Any player booker or sent off the field of play are responsible for the payment of any fine incurred. The club hold no responsibility for fines incurred. Fines must be paid within seven days;
Players are a representative of the club and they must set an example at all times;
Players must set an example to younger players within the club and in particular to those within their team;
Players who have hair that may impede their vision must tie it back for both training and matches;
Players will adhere to the footwear policy for the use of the 3g at all times;
Players are to understand the club’s playing philosophy and squad selection policy;
Female players need to inform their manager/coach if they find out they are pregnant;
Monks Walk School has a no smoking or vaping policy and all managers/coaches, players and spectators will adhere to this policy;
There shall be no use of alcohol or illegal substances abuse whilst on Monks Walk School premises. Anyone caught using illegal substances or under the influence of alcohol will lead to expulsion:
Any player caught during training or matches playing under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances, will lead to an expulsion.
The Club Management Committee will sanction players who ignore this code of conduct. The sanctions will be:
First offence, the player will be warned either verbally or in writing;
Second offence, the player will be suspended for a period decided by the Club Management Committee; and
Third offence., the player will be expelled from the club.
The Management Committee has the right to move directly to the second or third stages if the committee judges that an incident is so serious that this action is necessary.
Anyone sanctioned under this code has the right to appeal to the Hertfordshire FA within fourteen days of the sanction.
This code of practice is not designed to restrict anyone’s freedom but to set the standards of behaviour that are expected to ensure that everyone enjoys football.