Players are the most important people in the sport. Playing for the team and for the team to win, is the most fundamental part of the game. However, we want our players to disassociate themselves from a “win at all costs” attitude. Fair play and respect for all others in the game is fundamentally important.
Play your part and support the FA’s Code of Respect.
These key concepts in the Code are valid for players at all levels.
Players must have a positive attitude at training and at matches;
Players must arrive on time for training and matches;
Players must display fair play and respect at all times to all managers/coaches, match officials, players and parents/spectators both on and off the pitch;
Respect any decisions made by managers/coaches and match officials;
No jewellery, including watches, smart watches/fit bits, are to be worn by players during training or matches. Tape is not allowed. If you do not remove the item of jewellery, you will not be allowed to participate in the training session or match;
Players must not bring or use their phones to training or matches;
Players must always wear appropriate clothing including footwear and shin pads;
Players must use the correct footwear for the 3g;
Players must play in full playing kit during matches. The player must not alter the playing kit, including socks, in any way;
Inform your manager or coach if you sustain an injury;
Avoid words or actions which may mislead a match official;
Player must remember that opposition players, coaches, match officials and parents/spectators are guests at our club and should be treated with courtesy. Remember you are representative of the club, therefore should be setting a good example;
Players are not to make any negative or unkind comments towards other players, teams, clubs, coaches, managers, parents or any match officials on any social media platform. Any incidents of this that are reported to the club will be investigated and dealt with accordingly;
Players must not bully any person, in accordance with the club’s anti bullying policy, in any whats app or other groups created. Any incidents of this that are reported to the club will be investigated and dealt with accordingly;
Players must understand and agree to the clubs playing philosophy and team selection policy;
Players must adhere to the club’s safeguarding policy which states “Everybody has the right to feel safe at our club”. This includes the use of appropriate language at all times;
Players must not smoke or vape during training or matches. Any player caught doing so may lead to expulsion from the club;
Any player booked or sent off the field of play are responsible for the payment of any fine incurred. The club hold no responsibility for fines incurred.
The club management committee will sanction players who do not adhere to this code of conduct. Sanctions will be:
First Offence will warrant a warning. This could be from your manager, coach or club;
Second offence will be suspended for a period of time, decided by club management committee with possible suspension while the club investigates the allegations made;
Third Offence will result in permanent exclusion from the club.
The management committee reservice the right to move directly to the second or third stage if the offence is deemed so serious that this action is necessary.