A major challenge for each age group is to organise players into team squads.
It’s important that both Managers and Parents are aware of the Welwyn Pegasus guidelines.
When joining the club or are currently with the club, Players and Parents “buy in” to this approach.
As a club we follow some clearly defined principles on the structure of teams and the Development of Players.
These principles are driven by our club Philosophy and an integral part on our “Developing Players for the Future” programme.
The basic principles are:
Squads are graded on the basis of Ability, Attitude, and Development (AAD) for short. We attempt to match players with other players of similar ability.
Player movement up or down can take place at any time throughout the season for player’s U7’s - U12’s, and up to end of June 2023 for U13’s upwards with a transfer form.
Players are expected to attend at least 75% of training and matches throughout the season with exception of illness and injury.
Squad Sizes
Welwyn Pegasus squad sizes are as followed:
U7 & U8 (5v5) No more than 8 players per squad.
U9 & U10 (7v7) No more than 10 players per squad.
U11 & U12 (9v9) No more than 14 players per squad.
U13 – U16 (11v11) No more than 16 players per squad.
U17 – U18 (11v11) No more than 18 players per squad.
Squad Structure
The U7 squads are entirely flexible. U8 squads will be selected on ability where possible, but we understand the rapid nature of development at younger age groups means its possible squads can change significantly throughout the season.
The recommended squad structure is:
Royals - A team
Sapphires – A or B team
Skys - B or C team
Cobalts – C, D, or E team
Azures – C, D, or E team
Cyan – C, D, E, F, or G team
Navys – D, E, F, G or H team
However, this is not set in stone. Some age groups elect an A team and two or three B teams, or two A teams followed by B and C teams. Our focus at all times if for the individual player to enjoy their football, and play at their level.
Squads are structured as far as possible so that players are matched with players of similar ability.
But at all times the focus will be on the players Development and the enjoyment of their football.
Welwyn Pegasus Club Playing Ethos
1 – Each Player plays at least 50% of the game.
(Allowing for issues such as injuries etc)
2 – We try to be more sporting than the other team.
(eg commit fewer fouls etc)
3 – We try to play creative, attractive, attacking football.
4 – We try to win the game – but not at the expense of points 1,2,3.
Less Able Children
All children regardless of ability will be able to join the club. However, if it is felt they are not yet ready to play matches they will be invited to train with the club and not play matches until they have achieved an appropriate level.
If a child has already played matches for a team but it is felt they are not ready for it, the club will do its best to accommodate them within a team. However, in exceptional circumstances, if a child is struggling to fit in the lowest ability team and it is felt to be in the best interest of the child and their team-mates not to play matches, they may be asked to attend training only and not play in matches following consultation with their parents and agreement of the Manager and Club.
Training Players
Where squads are fully subscribed, the Manager may be able to accept a new member as a training player.
A training player pays £110 per season, completes a Welwyn Pegasus registration form but is not registered to play for the team.
When a vacancy becomes available in the team, the Manager then has the option to upgrade to full membership eligible to play games and a full membership based on pro rate will need to be paid.